FILTERSORB® CT (Combine Treatment), a more efficient and simple treatment to prevent all kinds of scale. FILTERSORB® CT combines the two types of FILTERSORB: the FILTERSORB® SP3 and the FILTERSORB® SPA. FILTERSORB® SP3 prevents cationic scale (based on positively charged ions) such as Calcium and Magnesium. The SPA prevents anionic scale (based on negatively charged ions) such as Sulfates, Silicates and Phosphates (Calcium phosphate).
FILTERSORB® CT is an excellent choice for all residential, industrial, and commercial applications since it provides optimum scale prevention. In addition, this combined technology results in very high efficiency and provides additional capacity to the system.
The FILTERSORB® SP3 and FILTERSORB® SPA combination is well suited to treat water with hardness over 15 grains or permanent hardness over 250 mg of (Ca + Mg + SiO2 + SO4) is typically over 60 % of the total anions.
FILTERSORB® SPA is only available as a combined product with FILTERSORB® SP3 (i.e. as part of FILTERSORB® CT ) and cannot be supplied separately.
The goal of the designer of a CT combined treatment system is to ensure that the correct water quality and quantity is delivered with optimized Tank and head and distributers. The optimum design depends on the relating importance of water parameters.
Scale Prevention
High Efficacy
Water Softener
100 % Efficiency
Combined Treatment
Nucleation Assisted Crystallization
FILTERSORB® CT is a Nucleation and Exothermic Combination
The best way to treat both anions as well as cations in hard water which can provide safe treatment of scale with 100 times more power.
FILTERSORB® SP3 works in a process of nucleation in which the media absorbs cations from its surroundings in the form of crystal and release CO2 in the form of gas → splitting a gas molecule.
FILTERSORB® SPA is an exothermic process in which the media separates the anions (negatively charged) from positively charged cations in the form of ionic bonds on the surface called EXO (outside) on very strong positively charged beads.
Anions in Hard potable water
Scaling including corrosion and biofouling are all related to each other, As displayed in the figure. The precipitation of permanent hardness can only be inhibited by carbonate or No corrosion can take place if the alkalinity of water is 8 to 8.5.
Anions Scale Prevention
The two types of FILTERSORB® units are SP3 scale prevention and SPA anion scale prevention.
SP3 units prevent cationic scale based on positively charged ions such as calcium and magnesium
and with nucleation, it changes them into CaCO3 crystals.
SPA units prevent scale based on negatively charged ions such as sulfates, silicates and phosphates (Calcium phosphate).
FILTERSORB® CT : Mixed media units prevent scale of both cations and anions, both positively and negatively charged ions.In addition, it needs no regeneration, no chemical feed and no electrical valve head or wastewater outlet. FILTERSORB® CT is a continuous up-flow system, which can treat both:
Point-of-entry (POE)
Point-of-use (POU)
Treatment of Cations and Anions Total hardness
Due to differences between temporary hardness and permanent hardness that make up the total hardness in water, we have combined FILTERSORB® SP3 and FILTERSORB® SPA in a 50 : 50 mix. This configuration is described as FILTERSORB® CT . The 50% SP3 treats temporary hardness based on carbonate hardness and the 50% SPA treats for permanent hardness which is mostly based on sulfates and silicates.