Only 5% of Green Acid can remove severe calcite scale, gypsum, calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate scales just in few minutes. Green Acid can de-rust any equipments made of any metals because it contains the best biodegradable corrosion inhibitor.
Stop using traditional dirty strong mineral acids like Hydrochloric acid (HCl), Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) or Phosphorus acids. These acids have destroyed the world environments.
Green Acid is a product well suited to every application
because it is very strong which contains scale inhibitors,
corrosion inhibitors including trace color to take the maximum efficiency from its strength, while it’s not corrosive
and safest to handle than any traditional acids in the
market. This acid can de-scale anything! Anything you
just want neat and clean, fast and safe without damaging
future generation’s environment.
Best Features

Low toxicological risk

Does not contribute to eutrophication

100% Biodegradable formulation

Odor free

No gas phase corrosion

Chemically stable
The Fastest De-scaling Solution

Cleaning + Disinfecting Industrial Water Systems including Cooling Water and Boiler Water Systems
SCALE-OVER increases solubility of Calcium phosphate or sulfate. This offers more flexibility to suit any application. Stronger solutions can be used to increase reaction rates without precipitating out salts such as gypsum and apatite. SCALE-OVER can dissolve more scale into solution than any other de-scaler in the world.
Best Features
- • No Phosphates or Phosphonates
- • Disinfect the system from microbial growth
- • 100% Biodegradable formulation
- • Prevents bio-film development
- • No VOC
- • Very Low COD
- • Halogen free
- • Very low toxicity
- • Non-corrosive to metal and galvanized pipes and equipments