Watch Water company and Hanoi Water services have signed a Dynalox system supply contract valued at $3.2M, under which Watch Water will provide Katalyst-Light media and associated equipment systems to treat more than 12 drinking water wells contaminated by Iron, Manganese and Arsenic. In this contract, which starts in April 2017, is the largest drinking water related Katalyst-Light equipment project in Watch Water company.
Under the terms of the contract, Watch Water will supply 30 Dynalox vessels and over 350000 liters of Katalyst-Light media to treat 30000 m3 of water per day at Hanoi Water’s work site. The Katalyst-Light system expected to be installed and expected to be in service by November 2017.
Both the Katalyst-Light and Dynalox vessels will be manufactured in Germany.
Katalyst-Light removes Iron and Manganese from water through a process called Catalytic Oxidation. The Hanoi Division of Drinking Water expects that Katalyst-Light will be the best available technology (BAT) in the removal of iron and manganese without using any chemicals.
High amount of iron causes rust in water and high amount of manganese is toxic in drinking water. Watch Water is excited to be a part of a solution that will provide multiple public water treatment systems which will remove iron and manganese from drinking water. Watch Water is the largest media manufacture group and we intend to be fully prepared to meet and minimize contaminant level (XICL) ultimately set, because protecting our customer’s health and safety is our highest priority.