Wastewater effluents are becoming more stringent due to ecological effects on effluent streams and ecosystems after wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). However, because most streams that receive WWTP effluents are also impacted by many other contaminants, it is challenging to quantify these effects.

RedOxy Treatment Solution
RedOxy Treatment Technology has provided a quick solution for the treatment of wastewater for water reuse and reducing the load on current WWTP. Industrial wastewater continues to grow a strain on current WWTP with a high number of contaminants such as COD, BOD, Phosphorus, Ammonium, microplastics, pharmaceutical residuals, chemical waste, and heavy metals.
To provide a quick and effective solution, RedOxy Treatment has secured another project in the USA for industrial wastewater (75 GPM) for water reuse starting in December 2022.

For further information, visit our homepage or contact us (info@watchwater.de) / (+49(0)621 87951-0).