Hard Water

At the point when water is referred to as “hard” this simply means, it contains a greater number of minerals than ordinary water. These are particularly the minerals calcium and magnesium. The level of hardness of the water increments, when more calcium and magnesium dissolves. Magnesium and calcium are positively charged ions. Due to their presence, other presence-charged particles will dissolve less effectively in hard water than in water that does not contain calcium and magnesium. Soft water forms a foam effortlessly when mixed with soap, however hard water does not. Hardness in water is caused by dissolved magnesium ions and calcium ions. These can get into the water when it comes into contact with limestone and different rocks that contain calcium compounds.



Water Softening

At the point when water contains a lot of calcium and magnesium, it is called hard water. Hard water is known to stop up funnels and to complicate soap and detergent dissolving in water.

Water softening is a system that serves the evacuation of the ions that cause the water to be hard, much of the time calcium and magnesium particles. Iron ions may likewise be removed during softening.



Affects of Hard Water

Since hard water doesn’t foam easily with soap, it wastes an incredible amount of soap when is utilized within washing. It subsequently is not economical to be used in washing.

When hard water may be boiled at home or industries, it abandons deposits of calcium and magnesium salts in kettles, hot-water pipes, boilers and radiators. And result in blockages Furthermore actually Blasting of the boilers.

It may be not advisable to utilize hard water over washing white fabrics since it has a tendency to stain white fabrics by making them show up grey. This will be the thing that hard water regularly does will white fabrics.

Utilizing boilers in which hard water is boiled means greater expenditure. The limescale present in hard water increases the electricity bills by as high as 25 percent.

Hard water will be not beneficial to dyeing materials. This will be the reason the dyeing industry doesn’t use it will worth of effort.




  • Watch Water® is the embodiment of a new technology, Nucleation Assisted Crystallization (NAC). Transformation of Calcium and Magnesium hardness into non-soluble micro crystals is the fundamental of this unique product. The formed crystals provide essential minerals to the water making it healthiest water available. FILTERSORB® SP3 doesn’t add up any sodium in the water like conventional softeners.

  • FILTERSORB® SP3 is the result of deep research work along with its undisputable success in the market, worldwide.

  • Watch Water® core motivation for developing this product was to find a true replacement for the conventional sodium based water softeners, ion-exchange resins or other chemicals, those are either partially functional or functions at the cost of the environment & health. Increased sodium content in water or decreased pH factor (making water acidic) directly influence the health problems, environmental damage and damage to the systems those are vulnerable to chemical corrosion due to sodium.

  • • Recent restrictions upon many softeners eventually leads to an environment friendly, cost effective true solution for water softening, Watch Water® FILTERSORB® SP3 .



  • • Nucleation Assisted Crystallization (NAC) Technology. This is a directed crystallization process where continuous catalytic conversion of Carbonate water hardness into non-soluble sub-micron crystals takes place.

  • • The name fragment “SP(Scale Prevention) 3” is to indicate this unique transformation of water hardness Ca(HCO3)2 into 3 components viz. 1. CaCO3 (micro-crystals) 2. CO2 (colloid) and 3. H2O (pure)

  • • The transformation of water hardness takes place in the following steps:

  • • Continuous transformation of water hardness makes the immediate crystal growth possible with unidirectional chemical equilibrium viz.
    Ca(HCO3)2 → CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O